Problem Description
DRITA (Dynamic Runtime Instrumentation Tools Architecture) is a valid instrument to analyse and tune your cluster performance.
It works taking statistical snapshots and comparing them letting you find bottleneck in your database.
If you try to take a snapshot with the default BigAnimal admin user "edb_admin" you may get the following error:
From psql
edb_admin=> \set CONTEXT always
edb_admin=> SELECT * FROM edbsnap();
ERROR: permission denied for sequence snapshot_num_seq
CONTEXT: SQL statement "select nextval('snapshot_num_seq')"
PL/pgSQL function edbsnap() line 9 at SQL statement
Ask BigAnimal cloud support to have the superuser privileges granted to "edb_admin" user.
When the grant is assigned, issue is solved.
edb_admin=> SELECT * FROM edbsnap();
Statement processed.
(1 row)