BigAnimal provides a Prometheus-compatible endpoint to connect to your monitoring infrastructure and Postgres logs via blob storage.
You can get the PROMETHEUS URL from Monitoring & Logging tab, but it's not accessible until we configure the private connection for it. This document will introduce how to configure the services.
The steps are similar to the documentation Connecting from Azure.
Step 1 Create an Azure Private Endpoint in client's virtual network
This part is very similar to the document Create an Azure Private Endpoint in each client virtual network.
Differences as below:
1. When creating the private endpoint in your Azure subscription, the Resource page needs to be configured as below:
2. choose your virtual network
3. You can still get the IP address via the command
NICID=$(az network private-endpoint show -n customer-monitoring-ep -g sszhao-vm --query "networkInterfaces[0].id" -o tsv)
az network nic show -n ${NICID##*/} -g sszhao-vm --query "ipConfigurations[0].privateIpAddress" -o tsv
or get the IP via Azure portal by clicking the Network Interface of the private endpoint:
The private endpoint's private IP address is
Now you can quickly test the connection:
Step 3 Create an Azure Private DNS Zone for the private endpoint
Follow the step -> Create an Azure Private DNS Zone for the private endpoint
Virtual Network Link
Add Record set
Access the Metrics
You can access the PROMETHEUS URL in your browser directly.
You can also configure Data sources in Grafana server.
1. Go to your Grafana Server GUI and click Configuration - Data Sources
2. Type: Prometheus and fill in URL with Prometheus URL in BigAnimal Portal
3. Configure the other settings with your preferences
4. Then Save & Test (Connection will be tested automatically)
5. Now you can explore your data in Grafana.
If you need some dashboard templates, please contact BigAnimal Support
Possible problem
If you can't see the above Metrics info, it's due to you not filling in your subscription ID when creating the cluster.
Just Edit Cluster, Cluster Settings, Network, Logs and Telemetry
Input your Azure subscription ID, save it and then go back to Logging and Monitoring